Westcliff (CA) vs Morningside (1/27/2024)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
Westcliff (CA) vs Morningside
(1/27/2024 at Parkville, Mo.)

   Westcliff (CA)      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
05  Trevor Lau   .400  2.5 
06  Ilias Lazaar   18  41  .220  18.5 
08  Gabriel Pizza   15  29  .379  11  17.0 
13  Pawel Tuz   .000  24  2.5 
23  Lisati Vaiala   10  -.100  6.5 
27  Thomas Taufetee   16  .062  5.0 
01  Leonardo Garcia   .000  0.0 
02  Michael Schoffstall   .000  20  1.5 
11  Jacob Bulosan   .000  0.0 
12  Lukas Pusvaskis   .000  0.0 
14  Tom Dempsey   -.400  0.0 
21  Andy Jaszczynski   .000  0.0 
24  Connor McCann   .429  4.5 
  Totals  48  25  117  .197  48  12  11  51  10  58.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
12  20  .400  13-20   64% 
10  26  .154  14-25   56% 
20  .150  15-23   65% 
11  32  .062  12-24   50% 
19  .316  6-9   66% 
          60-101  59% 
Westcliff (CA)   (3)  25  16  25  19  15     2-1, 0-0  
Morningside   (2)  22  25  22  25     2-1, 0-0  

   Morningside      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
07  Natan Alves   17  38  .263  20.5 
13  Erik Krenz   10  23  .348  12.0 
15  Kirby Schmalz   10  33  .030  13.0 
16  Tucker Juhnke   .000  10  0.0 
23  Tharen Cox   -.111  5.5 
24  Jacob DePauw   .143  33  4.5 
01  Jacob Baynes   .000  0.0 
02  Owen Anderson   1.000  3.0 
04  Ferdinando Vinti   .000  0.0 
06  Isaiah Baynes   20  .000  7.5 
  Totals  46  26  131  .153  43  11  19  39  14  66.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
26  .038  12-23   52% 
12  22  .455  14-16   87% 
11  33  .061  14-24   58% 
12  31  .290  13-20   64% 
19  -.105  5-14   35% 
          58-97   59% 
    Site: Parkville, Mo.
Date: 1/27/2024 Attend: Time: 2:09
Tie scores  13  20 
Lead changes 


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
Westcliff (CA) vs Morningside
(1/27/2024 at Parkville, Mo.)

   Westcliff (CA)      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
05  Trevor Lau   .400  .000  .000  1.000  2.5 
06  Ilias Lazaar   18  41  .220  .000  17  .824  .000  18.5 
08  Gabriel Pizza   15  29  .379  .000  21  1.000  11  31  .939  17.0 
13  Pawel Tuz   .000  24  24  1.000  .833  .000  2.5 
23  Lisati Vaiala   10  -.100  .000  .500  1.000  6.5 
27  Thomas Taufetee   16  .062  1.000  12  .667  11  .846  5.0 
01  Leonardo Garcia   .000  .000  1.000  1.000  0.0 
02  Michael Schoffstall   .000  20  21  .952  .714  .000  1.5 
11  Jacob Bulosan   .000  .000  1.000  .000  0.0 
12  Lukas Pusvaskis   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
14  Tom Dempsey   -.400  .000  1.000  1.000  0.0 
21  Andy Jaszczynski   .000  .750  17  1.000  17  .850  0.0 
24  Connor McCann   .429  .000  .000  1.000  4.5 
TM  Team   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  48  25  117  .197  48  52  .923  12  97  .876  51  10  71  11  .866  58.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
12  20  .400  13-20   64% 
10  26  .154  14-25   56% 
20  .150  15-23   65% 
11  32  .062  12-24   50% 
19  .316  6-9   66% 
          60-101  59% 
Westcliff (CA)   (3)  25  16  25  19  15     2-1, 0-0  
Morningside   (2)  22  25  22  25     2-1, 0-0  

   Morningside      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
07  Natan Alves   17  38  .263  1.000  .286  .000  20.5 
13  Erik Krenz   10  23  .348  1.000  .000  .500  12.0 
15  Kirby Schmalz   10  33  .030  .000  21  .810  1.000  13.0 
16  Tucker Juhnke   .000  .000  .000  10  10  .909  0.0 
23  Tharen Cox   -.111  .000  16  .875  .000  5.5 
24  Jacob DePauw   .143  33  36  .917  20  .900  1.000  4.5 
01  Jacob Baynes   .000  .000  1.000  .000  0.0 
02  Owen Anderson   1.000  1.000  19  .789  43  .977  3.0 
04  Ferdinando Vinti   .000  .000  .000  15  1.000  0.0 
06  Isaiah Baynes   20  .000  1.000  12  .833  1.000  7.5 
TM  Team   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  46  26  131  .153  43  46  .935  11  19  101  .812  39  14  82  .965  66.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
26  .038  12-23   52% 
12  22  .455  14-16   87% 
11  33  .061  14-24   58% 
12  31  .290  13-20   64% 
19  -.105  5-14   35% 
          58-97   59% 
    Site: Parkville, Mo.
Date: 1/27/2024 Attend: Time: 2:09

Tie scores  13  20 
Lead changes 


Short Box Score

Short Box Score (Match)
Westcliff (CA) vs Morningside
(1/27/2024 at Parkville, Mo.)

Westcliff (CA) def. Morningside 25-22,16-25,25-22,19-25,15-8

Westcliff (CA) (2-1, 0-0) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Ilias Lazaar
18-0-1; Gabriel Pizza 15-1-2; Lisati Vaiala 4-0-4; Thomas Taufetee
4-0-1; Connor McCann 4-0-1; Trevor Lau 2-0-1; Pawel Tuz 1-1-1; Michael
Schoffstall 0-1-1; Totals 48-3-7.0. (Assists) - Pawel Tuz 24; Michael
Schoffstall 20. (Dig leaders) - Gabriel Pizza 11; Andy Jaszczynski 9;
Leonardo Garcia 8

Morningside (2-1, 0-0) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Natan Alves
17-1-5; Erik Krenz 10-0-4; Kirby Schmalz 10-3-0; Isaiah Baynes 5-1-2;
Jacob DePauw 2-2-1; Owen Anderson 1-2-0; Tharen Cox 1-2-4; Totals
46-11-9.0. (Assists) - Jacob DePauw 33. (Dig leaders) - Tucker Juhnke
10; Natan Alves 7

Site: Parkville, Mo.

Date: 1/27/2024 Attend: Time: 2:09


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
Westcliff (CA) vs Morningside
(1/27/2024 at Parkville, Mo.)

1st Set

For WESTCLIF: Pawel Tuz; Lisati Vaiala; Thomas Taufetee; Trevor Lau; Ilias Lazaar; Gabriel Pizza.
For MORM: Erik Krenz; Kirby Schmalz; Tucker Juhnke; Tharen Cox; Jacob DePauw; Natan Alves.
For WESTCLIF: Andy Jaszczynski.
0-1Point WESTCLIF - (Tharen Cox) Service error.so
For WESTCLIF: Lukas Pusvaskis.
1-1Point MORM - (Andy Jaszczynski) Attack error by Thomas Taufetee.so
1-2Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Pawel Tuz).so
2-2Point MORM - (Ilias Lazaar) Service error.so
2-3Point WESTCLIF - (Kirby Schmalz) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Pawel Tuz).so
3-3Point MORM - (Gabriel Pizza) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Tharen Cox.
3-4Point WESTCLIF - (Owen Anderson) Service error.so
4-4Point MORM - (Lisati Vaiala) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For WESTCLIF: Andy Jaszczynski.
5-4Point MORM - (Natan Alves) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Erik Krenz).
5-5Point WESTCLIF - (Pawel Tuz) Kill by Thomas Taufetee (from Pawel Tuz).
6-5Point MORM - (Pawel Tuz) Kill by Jacob DePauw (from Isaiah Baynes).so
For MORM: Kirby Schmalz.
6-6Point WESTCLIF - (Isaiah Baynes) Service error.so
6-7Point WESTCLIF - (Thomas Taufetee) Attack error by Natan Alves (block by Trevor Lau; Gabriel Pizza).
7-7Point MORM - (Thomas Taufetee) Service error.so
7-8Point WESTCLIF - (Tharen Cox) Attack error by Kirby Schmalz.so
7-9Point WESTCLIF - (Andy Jaszczynski) Attack error by Kirby Schmalz.
8-9Point MORM - (Andy Jaszczynski) Kill by Jacob DePauw (from Owen Anderson).so
9-9Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Attack error by Ilias Lazaar.
9-10Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Lisati Vaiala (from Pawel Tuz).so
10-10Point MORM - (Ilias Lazaar) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Isaiah Baynes.
11-10Point MORM - (Kirby Schmalz) Service ace (Team).
11-11Point WESTCLIF - (Kirby Schmalz) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Pawel Tuz).so
For MORM: Ferdinando Vinti.
12-11Point MORM - (Gabriel Pizza) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
13-11Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Attack error by Thomas Taufetee (block by Tharen Cox; Natan Alves).
14-11Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Service ace (Team).
14-12Point WESTCLIF - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Lisati Vaiala (from Pawel Tuz).so
For WESTCLIF: Trevor Lau.
15-12Point MORM - (Lisati Vaiala) Service error.so
15-13Point WESTCLIF - (Natan Alves) Service error.so
15-14Point WESTCLIF - (Pawel Tuz) Service ace (Erik Krenz).
15-15Point WESTCLIF - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Trevor Lau (from Pawel Tuz).so
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
15-16Point WESTCLIF - (Thomas Taufetee) Attack error by Kirby Schmalz.
16-16Point MORM - (Thomas Taufetee) Service error.so
17-16Point MORM - (Tharen Cox) Service ace (Andy Jaszczynski).
Timeout Westcliff (CA).
17-17Point WESTCLIF - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Pawel Tuz).so
17-18Point WESTCLIF - (Andy Jaszczynski) Attack error by Natan Alves (block by Lisati Vaiala; Gabriel Pizza).
17-19Point WESTCLIF - (Andy Jaszczynski) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Andy Jaszczynski).
17-20Point WESTCLIF - (Andy Jaszczynski) Attack error by Erik Krenz.
Timeout Morningside.
17-21Point WESTCLIF - (Andy Jaszczynski) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Pawel Tuz).
18-21Point MORM - (Andy Jaszczynski) Kill by Kirby Schmalz (from Jacob DePauw).so
19-21Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Attack error by Lisati Vaiala.
19-22Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Pawel Tuz).so
19-23Point WESTCLIF - (Ilias Lazaar) Kill by Pawel Tuz (from Andy Jaszczynski).
19-24Point WESTCLIF - (Ilias Lazaar) Attack error by Natan Alves (block by Pawel Tuz; Lisati Vaiala).

2nd Set

For MORM: Owen Anderson.
For WESTCLIF: Andy Jaszczynski.
1-0Point MORM - (Gabriel Pizza) Kill by 27 (from Erik Krenz).so
1-1Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob DePauw) Attack error by Isaiah Baynes (block by Thomas Taufetee).so
2-1Point MORM - (Andy Jaszczynski) Kill by Erik Krenz (from Owen Anderson).so
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
3-1Point MORM - (Kirby Schmalz) Attack error by Ilias Lazaar (block by Isaiah Baynes).
3-2Point WESTCLIF - (Kirby Schmalz) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Pawel Tuz).so
4-2Point MORM - (Ilias Lazaar) Attack error by Pawel Tuz.so
4-3Point WESTCLIF - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Pawel Tuz).so
5-3Point MORM - (Tom Dempsey) Kill by Natan Alves (from Isaiah Baynes).so
5-4Point WESTCLIF - (Natan Alves) Service error.so
6-4Point MORM - (Tharen Cox) Service ace (Team).
For MORM: Kirby Schmalz.
6-5Point WESTCLIF - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Pawel Tuz).so
7-5Point MORM - (Pawel Tuz) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
7-6Point WESTCLIF - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Pawel Tuz).so
8-6Point MORM - (Gabriel Pizza) Kill by Erik Krenz (from Jacob DePauw).so
8-7Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob DePauw) Service error.so
For WESTCLIF: Lisati Vaiala.
9-7Point MORM - (Andy Jaszczynski) Kill by Erik Krenz (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Isaiah Baynes.
10-7Point MORM - (Kirby Schmalz) Attack error by Ilias Lazaar (block by Erik Krenz; Isaiah Baynes).
11-7Point MORM - (Kirby Schmalz) Kill by Erik Krenz.
12-7Point MORM - (Kirby Schmalz) Attack error by Tom Dempsey (block by Erik Krenz; Natan Alves).
Timeout Westcliff (CA).
13-7Point MORM - (Kirby Schmalz) Attack error by Lisati Vaiala.
13-8Point WESTCLIF - (Kirby Schmalz) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Pawel Tuz).so
For MORM: Ferdinando Vinti.
14-8Point MORM - (Ilias Lazaar) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Tharen Cox.
15-8Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Owen Anderson).
16-8Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Attack error by Tom Dempsey (block by Tharen Cox; Natan Alves).
17-8Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Service ace (Andy Jaszczynski).
17-9Point WESTCLIF - (Owen Anderson) Service error.so
18-9Point MORM - (Tom Dempsey) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
18-10Point WESTCLIF - (Natan Alves) Service error.so
For WESTCLIF: Trevor Lau.
For WESTCLIF: Thomas Taufetee.
18-11Point WESTCLIF - (Lisati Vaiala) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Pawel Tuz).
Timeout Westcliff (CA).
19-11Point MORM - (Lisati Vaiala) Service error.so
For WESTCLIF: Andy Jaszczynski.
For MORM: Kirby Schmalz.
20-11Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Ball handling error by Ilias Lazaar.
21-11Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Service ace (Thomas Taufetee).
21-12Point WESTCLIF - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Pawel Tuz).so
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
22-12Point MORM - (Pawel Tuz) Kill by Kirby Schmalz (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Erik Krenz.
22-13Point WESTCLIF - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Trevor Lau (from Pawel Tuz).so
For MORM: Erik Krenz.
23-13Point MORM - (Gabriel Pizza) Kill by Kirby Schmalz (from Natan Alves).so
23-14Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Pawel Tuz).so
24-14Point MORM - (Andy Jaszczynski) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Isaiah Baynes.
24-15Point WESTCLIF - (Kirby Schmalz) Kill by Lisati Vaiala (from Pawel Tuz).so
For MORM: Ferdinando Vinti.
24-16Point WESTCLIF - (Ilias Lazaar) Attack error by Isaiah Baynes.
25-16Point MORM - (Ilias Lazaar) Service error.so

3rd Set

0-1Point WESTCLIF - (Tharen Cox) Attack error by Erik Krenz.so
0-2Point WESTCLIF - (Andy Jaszczynski) Bad set by Jacob DePauw.
1-2Point MORM - (Andy Jaszczynski) Kill by Kirby Schmalz (from Jacob DePauw).so
2-2Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Kirby Schmalz (from Jacob DePauw).
3-2Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Attack error by Lisati Vaiala.
4-2Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Service ace (Gabriel Pizza).
4-3Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob DePauw) Service error.so
5-3Point MORM - (Ilias Lazaar) Attack error by Ilias Lazaar.so
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
6-3Point MORM - (Kirby Schmalz) Service ace (Thomas Taufetee).
6-4Point WESTCLIF - (Kirby Schmalz) Service error.so
For MORM: Ferdinando Vinti.
7-4Point MORM - (Thomas Taufetee) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
7-5Point WESTCLIF - (Owen Anderson) Service error.so
For WESTCLIF: Jacob Bulosan; Trevor Lau.
7-6Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob Bulosan) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Pawel Tuz).
7-7Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob Bulosan) Attack error by Jacob DePauw.
8-7Point MORM - (Jacob Bulosan) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For WESTCLIF: Lisati Vaiala.
For WESTCLIF: Connor McCann.
9-7Point MORM - (Natan Alves) Service ace (Team).
9-8Point WESTCLIF - (Natan Alves) Service error.so
10-8Point MORM - (Pawel Tuz) Service error.so
For MORM: Kirby Schmalz.
11-8Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Owen Anderson (from Isaiah Baynes).
11-9Point WESTCLIF - (Isaiah Baynes) Attack error by Kirby Schmalz.so
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
12-9Point MORM - (Gabriel Pizza) Kill by Kirby Schmalz (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Erik Krenz.
12-10Point WESTCLIF - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Pawel Tuz).so
For WESTCLIF: Lisati Vaiala.
13-10Point MORM - (Michael Schoffstall) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
13-11Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Thomas Taufetee (from Pawel Tuz).so
14-11Point MORM - (Ilias Lazaar) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Isaiah Baynes.
14-12Point WESTCLIF - (Kirby Schmalz) Kill by Thomas Taufetee (from Pawel Tuz), block error by Natan Alves.so
15-12Point MORM - (Thomas Taufetee) Service error.so
For MORM: Tharen Cox.
15-13Point WESTCLIF - (Owen Anderson) Service error.so
16-13Point MORM - (Jacob Bulosan) Kill by Natan Alves.so
16-14Point WESTCLIF - (Natan Alves) Service error.so
For WESTCLIF: Michael Schoffstall.
17-14Point MORM - (Michael Schoffstall) Service error.so
For MORM: Kirby Schmalz.
17-15Point WESTCLIF - (Isaiah Baynes) Attack error by Natan Alves (block by Connor McCann; Ilias Lazaar).so
Timeout Morningside.
17-16Point WESTCLIF - (Gabriel Pizza) Attack error by Kirby Schmalz.
17-17Point WESTCLIF - (Gabriel Pizza) Attack error by Tharen Cox.
17-18Point WESTCLIF - (Gabriel Pizza) Service ace (Owen Anderson).
17-19Point WESTCLIF - (Gabriel Pizza) Attack error by Natan Alves.
Timeout Morningside.
17-20Point WESTCLIF - (Gabriel Pizza) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Thomas Taufetee).
18-20Point MORM - (Gabriel Pizza) Attack error by Gabriel Pizza.so
For MORM: Erik Krenz.
18-21Point WESTCLIF - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Connor McCann (from Michael Schoffstall).so
18-22Point WESTCLIF - (Andy Jaszczynski) Kill by Thomas Taufetee (from Michael Schoffstall).
19-22Point MORM - (Andy Jaszczynski) Kill by Kirby Schmalz (from Jacob DePauw).so
20-22Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Attack error by Ilias Lazaar.
21-22Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Service ace (Gabriel Pizza).
21-23Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob DePauw) Attack error by Kirby Schmalz (block by Lisati Vaiala).so
22-23Point MORM - (Ilias Lazaar) Kill by Kirby Schmalz (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Isaiah Baynes.
22-24Point WESTCLIF - (Kirby Schmalz) Service error.so
For MORM: Ferdinando Vinti.
22-25Point WESTCLIF - (Thomas Taufetee) Attack error by Isaiah Baynes.

4th Set

==================== ==================== MORNINGSIDE 2, WESTCLIFF (CA) 3 ====================
0-1Point WESTCLIF - (Gabriel Pizza) Ball handling error by Jacob DePauw.
1-1Point MORM - (Gabriel Pizza) Kill by Erik Krenz (from Jacob DePauw).so
1-2Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Connor McCann (from Michael Schoffstall).so
2-2Point MORM - (Andy Jaszczynski) Kill by Erik Krenz (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Isaiah Baynes.
2-3Point WESTCLIF - (Kirby Schmalz) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Michael Schoffstall).so
2-4Point WESTCLIF - (Ilias Lazaar) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Michael Schoffstall).
3-4Point MORM - (Ilias Lazaar) Kill by Natan Alves.so
4-4Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Attack error by Lisati Vaiala.
5-4Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Attack error by Ilias Lazaar.
6-4Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Owen Anderson).
7-4Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Attack error by Lisati Vaiala (block by Tharen Cox; Natan Alves).
7-5Point WESTCLIF - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Michael Schoffstall).so
8-5Point MORM - (Thomas Taufetee) Service error.so
9-5Point MORM - (Jacob Baynes) Attack error by Gabriel Pizza.
10-5Point MORM - (Jacob Baynes) Attack error by Ilias Lazaar.
10-6Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Michael Schoffstall).so
For WESTCLIF: Jacob Bulosan.
11-6Point MORM - (Jacob Bulosan) Kill by Tharen Cox (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Kirby Schmalz.
Timeout Westcliff (CA).
11-7Point WESTCLIF - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Michael Schoffstall).so
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
11-8Point WESTCLIF - (Michael Schoffstall) Service ace (Tucker Juhnke).
12-8Point MORM - (Michael Schoffstall) Kill by Kirby Schmalz (from Owen Anderson).so
13-8Point MORM - (Tharen Cox) Attack error by Ilias Lazaar (block by Erik Krenz; Jacob DePauw).
14-8Point MORM - (Tharen Cox) Attack error by Connor McCann.
14-9Point WESTCLIF - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Michael Schoffstall).so
15-9Point MORM - (Gabriel Pizza) Kill by Erik Krenz (from Jacob DePauw).so
15-10Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Andy Jaszczynski).so
For WESTCLIF: Lisati Vaiala.
16-10Point MORM - (Andy Jaszczynski) Kill by Erik Krenz (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Isaiah Baynes.
17-10Point MORM - (Kirby Schmalz) Service ace (Andy Jaszczynski).
18-10Point MORM - (Kirby Schmalz) Attack error by Thomas Taufetee (block by Erik Krenz; Natan Alves).
18-11Point WESTCLIF - (Kirby Schmalz) Service error.so
For MORM: Ferdinando Vinti.
18-12Point WESTCLIF - (Ilias Lazaar) Attack error by Isaiah Baynes.
19-12Point MORM - (Ilias Lazaar) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Tharen Cox.
19-13Point WESTCLIF - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Lisati Vaiala (from Michael Schoffstall).so
19-14Point WESTCLIF - (Thomas Taufetee) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Michael Schoffstall).
Timeout Morningside.
19-15Point WESTCLIF - (Thomas Taufetee) Attack error by Tharen Cox.
20-15Point MORM - (Thomas Taufetee) Bad set by Andy Jaszczynski.so
For MORM: Jacob Baynes.
21-15Point MORM - (Jacob Baynes) Attack error by Gabriel Pizza (block by Tharen Cox).
Timeout Westcliff (CA).
21-16Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob Baynes) Attack error by Isaiah Baynes (block by Lisati Vaiala; Michael Schoffstall).so
For MORM: Natan Alves.
For WESTCLIF: Jacob Bulosan; Connor McCann.
22-16Point MORM - (Jacob Bulosan) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Kirby Schmalz.
22-17Point WESTCLIF - (Isaiah Baynes) Service error.so
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
23-17Point MORM - (Michael Schoffstall) Service error.so
For MORM: Erik Krenz.
For WESTCLIF: Leonardo Garcia.
24-17Point MORM - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).
24-18Point WESTCLIF - (Tharen Cox) Service error.so
For MORM: Owen Anderson.
24-19Point WESTCLIF - (Gabriel Pizza) Kill by Connor McCann (from Michael Schoffstall).
Timeout Morningside.
25-19Point MORM - (Gabriel Pizza) Kill by Kirby Schmalz (from Jacob DePauw).so

5th Set

==================== ==================== MORNINGSIDE 2, WESTCLIFF (CA) 3 ====================
0-1Point WESTCLIF - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Connor McCann (from Michael Schoffstall).so
0-2Point WESTCLIF - (Leonardo Garcia) Attack error by Natan Alves.
0-3Point WESTCLIF - (Leonardo Garcia) Bad set by Jacob DePauw.
0-4Point WESTCLIF - (Leonardo Garcia) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Michael Schoffstall).
Timeout Morningside.
1-4Point MORM - (Leonardo Garcia) Kill by Erik Krenz (from Jacob DePauw).so
2-4Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Bad set by Leonardo Garcia.
2-5Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Michael Schoffstall).so
2-6Point WESTCLIF - (Ilias Lazaar) Attack error by Kirby Schmalz.
3-6Point MORM - (Ilias Lazaar) Service error.so
For MORM: Isaiah Baynes.
4-6Point MORM - (Kirby Schmalz) Kill by Erik Krenz (from Jacob DePauw).
4-7Point WESTCLIF - (Kirby Schmalz) Service error.so
For MORM: Ferdinando Vinti.
5-7Point MORM - (Thomas Taufetee) Ball handling error by Michael Schoffstall.so
For MORM: Tharen Cox.
6-7Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Attack error by Ilias Lazaar.
6-8Point WESTCLIF - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Michael Schoffstall).so
7-8Point MORM - (Jacob Bulosan) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Jacob Baynes.
For WESTCLIF: Lisati Vaiala.
For WESTCLIF: Jacob Bulosan.
7-9Point WESTCLIF - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Michael Schoffstall).so
For MORM: Natan Alves.
7-10Point WESTCLIF - (Michael Schoffstall) Attack error by Natan Alves.
8-10Point MORM - (Michael Schoffstall) Attack error by Gabriel Pizza.so
For MORM: Kirby Schmalz.
8-11Point WESTCLIF - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Gabriel Pizza (from Michael Schoffstall).so
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
8-12Point WESTCLIF - (Gabriel Pizza) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Michael Schoffstall).
8-13Point WESTCLIF - (Gabriel Pizza) Attack error by Kirby Schmalz.
8-14Point WESTCLIF - (Gabriel Pizza) Attack error by Kirby Schmalz.
8-15Point WESTCLIF - (Gabriel Pizza) Kill by Ilias Lazaar (from Michael Schoffstall).