Ottawa vs Morningside (2/29/2024)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
Ottawa vs Morningside
(2/29/2024 at Sioux City, IA)

   Ottawa      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
03  Max Baumann   30  .100  10.5 
04  Andrew Salinas   -.333  20  0.5 
07  Kadeem Morris   10  32  .094  13.0 
12  Grant Younie   14  24  .375  15.5 
16  Akeil Williams   16  .250  14.5 
19  Tim Schutzbach   .000  1.5 
09  Kade Zrna   -1.000  22  2.0 
13  Nazmi Bayoglu   .000  12  3.0 
20  Isaac Rollenhagen   14  -.071  4.5 
21  Derrick Hajka   .000  0.0 
  Totals  45  29  125  .128  44  11  39  22  65.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
13  34  .147  19-29   65% 
17  39  .231  16-28   57% 
11  30  .133  13-24   54% 
22  -.091  9-25   36% 
          57-106  53% 
Ottawa   (1)  31  26  21  13     4-9, 2-1  
Morningside   (3)  29  28  25  25     7-6, 3-0  

   Morningside      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
01  Jacob Baynes   14  26  .346  15.5 
06  Isaiah Baynes   10  10  33  .000  13.0 
07  Natan Alves   21  43  .302  25.5 
23  Tharen Cox   14  .143  11.0 
24  Jacob DePauw   .667  45  6.0 
25  Branton Jones   .000  5.0 
02  Owen Anderson   .000  2.0 
08  Sam Benick   1.000  1.0 
09  Michael Padilla   .000  2.0 
16  Tucker Juhnke   .000  0.0 
22  Donavon Chandy   .000  0.0 
  Totals  56  27  129  .225  52  11  11  41  22  81.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
13  11  35  .057  19-31   61% 
15  36  .306  16-26   61% 
16  35  .257  14-22   63% 
12  23  .304  9-13   69% 
          58-92   63% 
    Site: Sioux City, IA (RVSC-Allee Gym)
Date: 2/29/2024 Attend: Time: 1:55
Referees: Jude Holzer, Ron Romine
Tie scores  12  10  33 
Lead changes  13 


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
Ottawa vs Morningside
(2/29/2024 at Sioux City, IA)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
03  Max Baumann   30  .100  1.000  17  .941  25  .926  10.5 
04  Andrew Salinas   -.333  20  22  .909  1.000  .000  0.5 
07  Kadeem Morris   10  32  .094  .000  .000  1.000  13.0 
12  Grant Younie   14  24  .375  .000  .000  30  .882  15.5 
16  Akeil Williams   16  .250  .000  12  .917  1.000  14.5 
19  Tim Schutzbach   .000  .000  .000  .000  1.5 
09  Kade Zrna   -1.000  22  23  .957  16  .875  .000  2.0 
13  Nazmi Bayoglu   .000  1.000  25  .920  12  25  .893  3.0 
20  Isaac Rollenhagen   14  -.071  .000  .000  .000  4.5 
21  Derrick Hajka   .000  .000  12  .917  .000  0.0 
TM  Team   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  45  29  125  .128  44  47  .936  92  .913  39  22  84  11  .884  65.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
13  34  .147  19-29   65% 
17  39  .231  16-28   57% 
11  30  .133  13-24   54% 
22  -.091  9-25   36% 
          57-106  53% 
Ottawa   (1)  31  26  21  13     4-9, 2-1  
Morningside   (3)  29  28  25  25     7-6, 3-0  

   Morningside      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
01  Jacob Baynes   14  26  .346  .000  15  1.000  23  .852  15.5 
06  Isaiah Baynes   10  10  33  .000  1.000  21  .905  31  .969  13.0 
07  Natan Alves   21  43  .302  1.000  13  .769  1.000  25.5 
23  Tharen Cox   14  .143  .000  17  1.000  .000  11.0 
24  Jacob DePauw   .667  45  47  .957  15  .867  .000  6.0 
25  Branton Jones   .000  .000  .000  1.000  5.0 
02  Owen Anderson   .000  1.000  18  .944  11  1.000  2.0 
08  Sam Benick   1.000  .000  .000  .000  1.0 
09  Michael Padilla   .000  .000  .667  .000  2.0 
16  Tucker Juhnke   .000  1.000  .000  10  1.000  0.0 
22  Donavon Chandy   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
TM  Team   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  56  27  129  .225  52  54  .963  11  11  106  .896  41  22  78  .929  81.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
13  11  35  .057  19-31   61% 
15  36  .306  16-26   61% 
16  35  .257  14-22   63% 
12  23  .304  9-13   69% 
          58-92   63% 
    Site: Sioux City, IA (RVSC-Allee Gym)
Date: 2/29/2024 Attend: Time: 1:55
Referees: Jude Holzer, Ron Romine

Tie scores  12  10  33 
Lead changes  13 


Short Box Score

Short Box Score (Match)
Ottawa vs Morningside
(2/29/2024 at Sioux City, IA)

Morningside def. Ottawa 29-31,28-26,25-21,25-13

Ottawa (4-9, 2-1) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Grant Younie 14-0-3;
Kadeem Morris 10-0-5; Akeil Williams 9-0-9; Max Baumann 8-1-3; Isaac
Rollenhagen 4-0-1; Nazmi Bayoglu 0-3-0; Kade Zrna 0-2-0; Andrew
Salinas 0-0-1; Tim Schutzbach 0-0-3; Totals 45-6-14.0. (Assists) -
Kade Zrna 22; Andrew Salinas 20. (Dig leaders) - Nazmi Bayoglu 12; Max
Baumann 8

Morningside (7-6, 3-0) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Natan Alves
21-1-7; Jacob Baynes 14-0-2; Isaiah Baynes 10-1-3; Tharen Cox 5-4-4;
Jacob DePauw 4-1-2; Branton Jones 1-0-7; Sam Benick 1-0-0; Michael
Padilla 0-2-0; Owen Anderson 0-2-0; Totals 56-11-14.0. (Assists) -
Jacob DePauw 45. (Dig leaders) - Tucker Juhnke 9; Owen Anderson 8

Site: Sioux City, IA (RVSC-Allee Gym)

Date: 2/29/2024 Attend: Time: 1:55
Referees: Jude Holzer, Ron Romine


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
Ottawa vs Morningside
(2/29/2024 at Sioux City, IA)

1st Set

For OTTAWA: Grant Younie; Akeil Williams; Tim Schutzbach; Max Baumann; Andrew Salinas; Kadeem Morris.
For MORM: Tharen Cox; Jacob DePauw; Branton Jones; Jacob Baynes; Isaiah Baynes; Natan Alves.
1-0Point MORM - (Grant Younie) Service
1-1Point OTTAWA - (Natan Alves) Kill by Kadeem Morris (from Andrew Salinas).so
2-1Point MORM - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Kill by Jacob DePauw (from Isaiah Baynes).so
2-2Point OTTAWA - (Isaiah Baynes) Attack error by Isaiah
For OTTAWA: Isaac Rollenhagen; Kade Zrna.
3-2Point MORM - (Kade Zrna) Kill by Jacob DePauw (from Owen Anderson).so
4-2Point MORM - (Tharen Cox) Service ace (Nazmi Bayoglu).
5-2Point MORM - (Tharen Cox) Attack error by Isaac Rollenhagen.
6-2Point MORM - (Tharen Cox) Attack error by Kade Zrna.
7-2Point MORM - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Branton Jones (from Jacob DePauw).
7-3Point OTTAWA - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Max Baumann (from Kade Zrna).so
7-4Point OTTAWA - (Max Baumann) Attack error by Natan Alves.
8-4Point MORM - (Max Baumann) Attack error by Grant
9-4Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Attack error by Akeil Williams (block by Branton Jones).
9-5Point OTTAWA - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Grant Younie (from Kade Zrna).so
10-5Point MORM - (Akeil Williams) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
10-6Point OTTAWA - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Grant Younie (from Kade Zrna).so
For OTTAWA: Kadeem Morris; Andrew Salinas.
11-6Point MORM - (Andrew Salinas) Attack error by Grant Younie (block by Branton Jones; Natan Alves).so
12-6Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Attack error by Kadeem Morris (block by Jacob DePauw; Natan Alves).
12-7Point OTTAWA - (Owen Anderson) Service
For OTTAWA: Derrick Hajka.
13-7Point MORM - (Derrick Hajka) Service
For OTTAWA: Grant Younie.
14-7Point MORM - (Natan Alves) Attack error by Max Baumann.
14-8Point OTTAWA - (Natan Alves) Kill by Kadeem Morris (from Andrew Salinas).so
14-9Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Bad set by Jacob DePauw.
14-10Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Attack error by Isaiah Baynes (block by Akeil Williams; Kadeem Morris).
Timeout Morningside.
14-11Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Service ace (Jacob Baynes).
14-12Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Service ace (Jacob Baynes).
15-12Point MORM - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Service
15-13Point OTTAWA - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Kadeem Morris (from Andrew Salinas).so
For OTTAWA: Isaac Rollenhagen; Kade Zrna.
15-14Point OTTAWA - (Kade Zrna) Attack error by Isaiah Baynes.
16-14Point MORM - (Kade Zrna) Service
16-15Point OTTAWA - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Akeil Williams (from Kade Zrna).so
16-16Point OTTAWA - (Max Baumann) Attack error by Isaiah Baynes.
17-16Point MORM - (Max Baumann) Service
17-17Point OTTAWA - (Jacob DePauw) Service
18-17Point MORM - (Akeil Williams) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
19-17Point MORM - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).
19-18Point OTTAWA - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Isaac Rollenhagen (from Kade Zrna).so
For OTTAWA: Andrew Salinas; Kadeem Morris.
20-18Point MORM - (Andrew Salinas) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
20-19Point OTTAWA - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Kadeem Morris (from Andrew Salinas).so
For OTTAWA: Derrick Hajka.
21-19Point MORM - (Derrick Hajka) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For OTTAWA: Grant Younie.
22-19Point MORM - (Natan Alves) Service ace (Nazmi Bayoglu).
Timeout Ottawa.
22-20Point OTTAWA - (Natan Alves) Kill by Max Baumann (from Andrew Salinas).so
22-21Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Service ace (Jacob Baynes).
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
22-22Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Kill by Kadeem Morris.
Timeout Morningside.
22-23Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Attack error by Natan Alves.
23-23Point MORM - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Jacob Baynes.
23-24Point OTTAWA - (Isaiah Baynes) Attack error by Jacob
For OTTAWA: Isaac Rollenhagen; Kade Zrna.
24-24Point MORM - (Kade Zrna) Attack error by Isaac
For OTTAWA: Andrew Salinas.
25-24Point MORM - (Tharen Cox) Ball handling error by Kade Zrna.
Timeout Ottawa.
25-25Point OTTAWA - (Tharen Cox) Attack error by Jacob Baynes (block by Kadeem Morris).so
26-25Point MORM - (Max Baumann) Kill by Jacob Baynes, block error by Andrew
26-26Point OTTAWA - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Akeil Williams (from Kade Zrna).so
26-27Point OTTAWA - (Akeil Williams) Attack error by Natan Alves (block by Grant Younie; Tim Schutzbach; Andrew Salinas).
27-27Point MORM - (Akeil Williams) Kill by Jacob
27-28Point OTTAWA - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Grant Younie (from Kade Zrna).so
28-28Point MORM - (Andrew Salinas) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
28-29Point OTTAWA - (Owen Anderson) Attack error by Tharen
For OTTAWA: Derrick Hajka.
29-29Point MORM - (Derrick Hajka) Kill by Tharen Cox (from Jacob DePauw).so
29-30Point OTTAWA - (Natan Alves) Service
29-31Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Attack error by Tharen Cox (block by Akeil Williams; Max Baumann; Kadeem Morris).

2nd Set

0-1Point OTTAWA - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Max Baumann (from Andrew Salinas).so
0-2Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Attack error by Natan Alves (block by Akeil Williams; Max Baumann).
1-2Point MORM - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
1-3Point OTTAWA - (Natan Alves) Kill by Akeil Williams (from Andrew Salinas).so
For OTTAWA: Isaac Rollenhagen; Kade Zrna.
1-4Point OTTAWA - (Kade Zrna) Service ace (Isaiah Baynes).
1-5Point OTTAWA - (Kade Zrna) Service ace (Team).
1-6Point OTTAWA - (Kade Zrna) Attack error by Isaiah Baynes (block by Akeil Williams).
Timeout Morningside.
2-6Point MORM - (Kade Zrna) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Jacob Baynes.
2-7Point OTTAWA - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Akeil Williams (from Kade Zrna).so
2-8Point OTTAWA - (Max Baumann) Kill by Isaac Rollenhagen (from Kade Zrna).
3-8Point MORM - (Max Baumann) Kill by Jacob Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
4-8Point MORM - (Tharen Cox) Service ace (Max Baumann).
4-9Point OTTAWA - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Grant Younie (from Kade Zrna).so
5-9Point MORM - (Akeil Williams) Service
5-10Point OTTAWA - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Isaac Rollenhagen (from Kade Zrna).so
For OTTAWA: Andrew Salinas; Kadeem Morris.
6-10Point MORM - (Andrew Salinas) Kill by Jacob Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
7-10Point MORM - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).
8-10Point MORM - (Jacob Baynes) Attack error by Kadeem Morris (block by Branton Jones; Natan Alves).
9-10Point MORM - (Jacob Baynes) Attack error by Kadeem Morris.
9-11Point OTTAWA - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Grant Younie (from Andrew Salinas).so
For OTTAWA: Derrick Hajka.
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
10-11Point MORM - (Derrick Hajka) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For OTTAWA: Grant Younie.
11-11Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Attack error by Andrew Salinas.
12-11Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Service ace (Grant Younie).
Timeout Ottawa.
12-12Point OTTAWA - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Max Baumann (from Andrew Salinas).so
13-12Point MORM - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Kill by Natan Alves (from Tucker Juhnke).so
13-13Point OTTAWA - (Natan Alves) Service
For OTTAWA: Isaac Rollenhagen; Kade Zrna.
14-13Point MORM - (Kade Zrna) Service
For MORM: Jacob Baynes.
14-14Point OTTAWA - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Akeil Williams (from Kade Zrna).so
14-15Point OTTAWA - (Max Baumann) Service ace (Jacob Baynes).
14-16Point OTTAWA - (Max Baumann) Kill by Akeil Williams (from Kade Zrna).
14-17Point OTTAWA - (Max Baumann) Attack error by Jacob Baynes.
Timeout Morningside.
15-17Point MORM - (Max Baumann) Kill by Jacob Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
15-18Point OTTAWA - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Grant Younie (from Kade Zrna).so
16-18Point MORM - (Akeil Williams) Attack error by Isaac
17-18Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Jacob Baynes.
17-19Point OTTAWA - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Grant Younie (from Kade Zrna).so
For OTTAWA: Andrew Salinas; Kadeem Morris.
18-19Point MORM - (Andrew Salinas) Kill by Jacob Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
19-19Point MORM - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).
19-20Point OTTAWA - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Grant Younie (from Andrew Salinas).so
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
For OTTAWA: Derrick Hajka.
19-21Point OTTAWA - (Derrick Hajka) Attack error by Branton Jones.
20-21Point MORM - (Derrick Hajka) Attack error by Kadeem Morris (block by Branton Jones; Isaiah Baynes).so
For OTTAWA: Grant Younie.
20-22Point OTTAWA - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Max Baumann (from Andrew Salinas).so
21-22Point MORM - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Attack error by Max
22-22Point MORM - (Natan Alves) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).
Timeout Ottawa.
22-23Point OTTAWA - (Natan Alves) Kill by Akeil Williams (from Andrew Salinas).so
For OTTAWA: Isaac Rollenhagen; Kade Zrna.
23-23Point MORM - (Kade Zrna) Attack error by Isaac Rollenhagen (block by Isaiah Baynes).so
For MORM: Jacob Baynes.
24-23Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Attack error by Akeil Williams.
24-24Point OTTAWA - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Akeil Williams (from Kade Zrna).so
25-24Point MORM - (Max Baumann) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
25-25Point OTTAWA - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Grant Younie (from Kade Zrna).so
25-26Point OTTAWA - (Akeil Williams) Bad set by Jacob DePauw.
26-26Point MORM - (Akeil Williams) Kill by Jacob Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
27-26Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Service ace (Team).
28-26Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Jacob Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).

3rd Set

1-0Point MORM - (Derrick Hajka) Kill by Tharen Cox (from Jacob DePauw).so
For OTTAWA: Grant Younie.
2-0Point MORM - (Natan Alves) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).
2-1Point OTTAWA - (Natan Alves) Service
3-1Point MORM - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Jacob Baynes.
3-2Point OTTAWA - (Isaiah Baynes) Service
For OTTAWA: Isaac Rollenhagen; Kade Zrna.
3-3Point OTTAWA - (Kade Zrna) Attack error by Jacob Baynes (block by Akeil Williams; Isaac Rollenhagen).
3-4Point OTTAWA - (Kade Zrna) Attack error by Isaiah Baynes.
4-4Point MORM - (Kade Zrna) Kill by Jacob DePauw (from Natan Alves).so
4-5Point OTTAWA - (Tharen Cox) Attack error by Jacob
5-5Point MORM - (Max Baumann) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
5-6Point OTTAWA - (Jacob DePauw) Service
For MORM: Sam Benick.
6-6Point MORM - (Akeil Williams) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Branton Jones.
7-6Point MORM - (Jacob Baynes) Attack error by Grant Younie (block by Branton Jones; Natan Alves).
8-6Point MORM - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Natan Alves.
8-7Point OTTAWA - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Grant Younie (from Kade Zrna).so
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
For OTTAWA: Andrew Salinas; Kadeem Morris.
9-7Point MORM - (Andrew Salinas) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
9-8Point OTTAWA - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Kadeem Morris (from Andrew Salinas), block error by Isaiah
For OTTAWA: Derrick Hajka.
9-9Point OTTAWA - (Derrick Hajka) Attack error by Natan Alves.
9-10Point OTTAWA - (Derrick Hajka) Kill by Kadeem Morris (from Andrew Salinas).
10-10Point MORM - (Derrick Hajka) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For OTTAWA: Grant Younie.
10-11Point OTTAWA - (Natan Alves) Kill by Kadeem Morris (from Andrew Salinas).so
10-12Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Attack error by Isaiah Baynes (block by Akeil Williams; Kadeem Morris).
10-13Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Attack error by Isaiah Baynes (block by Akeil Williams; Kadeem Morris).
Timeout Morningside.
10-14Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Kill by Kadeem Morris (from Andrew Salinas).
11-14Point MORM - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Jacob Baynes.
11-15Point OTTAWA - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Max Baumann (from Andrew Salinas).so
For OTTAWA: Isaac Rollenhagen; Kade Zrna.
12-15Point MORM - (Kade Zrna) Kill by Jacob Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
13-15Point MORM - (Tharen Cox) Service ace (Team).
13-16Point OTTAWA - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Isaac Rollenhagen (from Kade Zrna).so
14-16Point MORM - (Max Baumann) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
14-17Point OTTAWA - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Akeil Williams (from Kade Zrna).so
15-17Point MORM - (Akeil Williams) Kill by Jacob Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
15-18Point OTTAWA - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Grant Younie (from Nazmi Bayoglu).so
For OTTAWA: Andrew Salinas; Kadeem Morris.
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
15-19Point OTTAWA - (Andrew Salinas) Kill by Max Baumann.
16-19Point MORM - (Andrew Salinas) Kill by Natan Alves (from Owen Anderson).so
For MORM: Michael Padilla.
16-20Point OTTAWA - (Owen Anderson) Attack error by Isaiah
For OTTAWA: Derrick Hajka.
17-20Point MORM - (Derrick Hajka) Attack error by Kadeem Morris (block by Tharen Cox; Isaiah Baynes).so
For OTTAWA: Grant Younie.
18-20Point MORM - (Michael Padilla) Service ace (Nazmi Bayoglu).
18-21Point OTTAWA - (Michael Padilla) Kill by Kadeem Morris (from Andrew Salinas).so
19-21Point MORM - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Jacob Baynes.
20-21Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Attack error by Kadeem Morris.
For MORM: Natan Alves.
21-21Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Attack error by Akeil Williams.
22-21Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Attack error by Kadeem Morris.
Timeout Ottawa.
23-21Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Attack error by Akeil Williams.
24-21Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Attack error by Max Baumann (block by Tharen Cox; Jacob DePauw).
25-21Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Jacob DePauw (from Isaiah Baynes).

4th Set

==================== ==================== MORNINGSIDE 3, OTTAWA 1 ====================
0-1Point OTTAWA - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Max Baumann (from Andrew Salinas).so
0-2Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Attack error by Isaiah Baynes (block by Akeil Williams).
0-3Point OTTAWA - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Attack error by Natan Alves.
1-3Point MORM - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Service
For MORM: Michael Padilla.
1-4Point OTTAWA - (Michael Padilla) Service
For MORM: Natan Alves.
For OTTAWA: Isaac Rollenhagen; Kade Zrna.
2-4Point MORM - (Kade Zrna) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Jacob Baynes.
3-4Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Jacob Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).
4-4Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Kill by Tharen Cox (from Jacob DePauw).
4-5Point OTTAWA - (Isaiah Baynes) Service
4-6Point OTTAWA - (Max Baumann) Attack error by Tharen Cox (block by Grant Younie; Akeil Williams).
5-6Point MORM - (Max Baumann) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
5-7Point OTTAWA - (Tharen Cox) Kill by Grant Younie (from Kade Zrna).so
For MORM: Sam Benick.
5-8Point OTTAWA - (Akeil Williams) Attack error by Natan Alves (block by Grant Younie; Tim Schutzbach).
6-8Point MORM - (Akeil Williams) Kill by Jacob Baynes (from Isaiah Baynes).so
For MORM: Branton Jones.
7-8Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Attack error by Grant Younie (block by Branton Jones; Natan Alves).
8-8Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Attack error by Grant Younie (block by Branton Jones; Natan Alves).
9-8Point MORM - (Jacob DePauw) Attack error by Isaac Rollenhagen (block by Jacob Baynes).
9-9Point OTTAWA - (Jacob DePauw) Kill by Grant Younie (from Kade Zrna).so
For OTTAWA: Andrew Salinas; Kadeem Morris.
For MORM: Sam Benick.
10-9Point MORM - (Andrew Salinas) Kill by Sam Benick (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Branton Jones.
10-10Point OTTAWA - (Jacob Baynes) Kill by Grant Younie (from Andrew Salinas).so
For MORM: Tucker Juhnke.
For OTTAWA: Derrick Hajka.
11-10Point MORM - (Derrick Hajka) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).so
For OTTAWA: Grant Younie.
12-10Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Ball handling error by Andrew Salinas.
13-10Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Service ace (Grant Younie).
14-10Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Isaiah Baynes (from Jacob DePauw), block error by Kadeem Morris.
15-10Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Kill by Natan Alves (from Jacob DePauw).
Timeout Ottawa.
16-10Point MORM - (Owen Anderson) Attack error by Max Baumann (block by Tharen Cox; Natan Alves).
16-11Point OTTAWA - (Owen Anderson) Attack error by Natan Alves (block by Tim Schutzbach; Max Baumann).so
17-11Point MORM - (Nazmi Bayoglu) Kill by Tharen Cox (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Michael Padilla.
18-11Point MORM - (Michael Padilla) Bad set by Andrew Salinas.
19-11Point MORM - (Michael Padilla) Service ace (Grant Younie).
19-12Point OTTAWA - (Michael Padilla) Service
For OTTAWA: Isaac Rollenhagen; Kade Zrna.
20-12Point MORM - (Kade Zrna) Kill by Tharen Cox (from Jacob DePauw).so
For MORM: Jacob Baynes.
21-12Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Attack error by Akeil Williams.
22-12Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Service ace (Grant Younie).
23-12Point MORM - (Isaiah Baynes) Attack error by Max Baumann (block by Tharen Cox; Jacob Baynes).
For MORM: Donavon Chandy.
23-13Point OTTAWA - (Donavon Chandy) Service
24-13Point MORM - (Max Baumann) Kill by Jacob Baynes (from Jacob DePauw).so
25-13Point MORM - (Tharen Cox) Service ace (Max Baumann).