Sioux City Bandits vs Carolina Cobras (Apr 28, 2024)


Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)
2024 NAL
Sioux City Bandits vs Carolina Cobras (Apr 28, 2024 at Greensboro, NC)

Sioux City Bandits (3-1) vs. Carolina Cobras (4-2)

Date: Apr 28, 2024 • Site: Greensboro, NC  • Arena: Greensboro Coliseum  •  Attendance:

Score by Quarters  Score 
Sioux City Bandits   6  12  6  0  24 
Carolina Cobras   7  14  14  20  55 

1st  09:28  SCB   Andrew Prohaska 1 yd run (Jared Amundson kick failed) 
         7 plays, 11 yards, TOP 5:20  6 - 0 
  07:30  CAR   Adam Smith 27 yd pass from Guy Myers (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick) 
         2 plays, 33 yards, TOP 1:20  6 - 7 
2nd  09:46  SCB   Joshua Hollins 1 yd run (Jared Amundson kick failed) 
         5 plays, 18 yards, TOP 3:11  12 - 7 
  06:59  CAR   James Summers 22 yd pass from Guy Myers (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick) 
         3 plays, 35 yards, TOP 1:49  12 - 14 
  04:02  SCB   Sammie Epps 21 yd pass from Joshua Hollins (Joshua Hollins pass failed) 
         2 plays, 38 yards, TOP 1:56  18 - 14 
  00:46  CAR   James Summers 8 yd pass from Guy Myers (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick) 
         5 plays, 37 yards, TOP 2:14  18 - 21 
3rd  11:47  SCB   Fred Bruno 9 yd run (Joshua Hollins rush failed) 
         5 plays, 30 yards, TOP 3:10  24 - 21 
  08:53  CAR   Donovan Rasberry 42 yd pass from Guy Myers (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick) 
         2 plays, 45 yards, TOP 1:15  24 - 28 
  01:55  CAR   James Summers 14 yd run (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick) 
         6 plays, 38 yards, TOP 4:03  24 - 35 
4th  10:45  CAR   Guy Myers 2 yd run (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick failed) 
         5 plays, 25 yards, TOP 3:17  24 - 41 
  03:46  CAR   James Summers 8 yd pass from Guy Myers (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick) 
         4 plays, 24 yards, TOP 2:39  24 - 48 
  02:58  CAR   Gibson Ziah 0 yd fumble recovery (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick) 
           24 - 55 

Kickoff time: 2pm  • End of Game: 4:34pm  • Total elapsed time: 2:34

Sioux City back in action 5/11 at Omaha
Carolina back in action 5/12 at Oklahoma


Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)
2024 NAL
Sioux City Bandits vs Carolina Cobras (Apr 28, 2024 at Greensboro, NC)

 Team Totals  SCB  CAR 
FIRST DOWNS  14  14 
   Rushing  12 
   Rushing Attempts  30  14 
   Average Per Rush  5.5  6.7 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Completions-Attempts-Int  1-14-2  14-17-0 
   Average Per Attempt  -0.9  9.2 
   Average Per Completion  -13.0  11.2 
   Passing Touchdowns 
   Total offense plays  47  31 
   Average Gain Per Play  3.2  8.1 
Fumbles: Number-Lost  4-2  2-1 
Penalties: Number-Yards  3-14  4-25 
KICKOFFS-YARDS  6-272  9-486 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff  45.3  54.0 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff  34.0  40.1 
   Fair Catch Yards 
MFG Returns: Number-Yards-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
   Average Per Return  0.0  0.0 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD  7-125-0  6-68-0 
   Average Per Return  17.9  11.3 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  2-25-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD  1-1-0  0-0-1 
Miscellaneous Yards 
Possession Time  35:12  24:48 
   1st Quarter  12:05  2:55 
   2nd Quarter  7:47  7:13 
   3rd Quarter  7:42  7:18 
   4th Quarter  7:38  7:22 
Third-Down Conversions  5 of 8  1 of 3 
Fourth-Down Conversions  1 of 3  1 of 2 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances  3-4  3-3 
   Touchdowns  3-4  3-3 
   Field goals  0-4  0-3 
Sacks By: Number-Yards  0-0  3-29 
PAT Kicks  0-2  7-8 
   2-Point drop-kick PATs  0-0  0-0 
Field Goals  0-0  0-0 
   4-Point drop kick FGs  0-0  0-0 
Touchdowns (Rush-Pass-Return)  3-1-0  2-5-1 
Points off turnovers  20 


Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)
2024 NAL
Sioux City Bandits vs Carolina Cobras (Apr 28, 2024 at Greensboro, NC)

Sioux City Bandits
Carolina Cobras
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Fred Bruno   67  67  18  11.2 
Andrew Prohaska  13  64  64  11  4.9 
Landon Freeman   23  20  11  3.3 
Brandon Sheperd  7.0 
Joshua Hollins   10  1.5 
Totals...  30  171  164  18  5.5 
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Guy Myers   64  64  13  7.1 
James Summers   27  27  14  6.8 
Adam Smith   3.0 
Totals...  14  94  94  14  6.7 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Joshua Hollins   1-13-1  21  21 
Jared Amundson   0-1-1 
Team   0-0-0  -34 
Totals...  1-14-2  -13  21 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Guy Myers   14-17-0  157  42 
Totals...  14-17-0  157  42 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Sammie Epps   21  21 
Totals...  21  21 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
James Summers   60  22 
Milton Williams  11 
Donovan Rasberry  48  42 
Adam Smith   32  27 
Devonte Baker  
Totals...  14  157  42 
   MFG  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Landon Freeman   39  20 
Fred Bruno   86  24 
Totals...  125  24 
   MFG  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Adam Smith   68  23 
Gibson Ziah  
Javon Hayes   25  25 
Totals...  68  23  25  25 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  FGR  IR  Total 
Fred Bruno   67  86  153 
Andrew Prohaska  64  64 
Landon Freeman   20  39  59 
Sammie Epps   21  21 
Brandon Sheperd 
Joshua Hollins  
Totals...  164  21  125  310 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  FGR  IR  Total 
Adam Smith   32  68  103 
James Summers   27  60  87 
Guy Myers   64  64 
Donovan Rasberry  48  48 
Javon Hayes   25  25 
Milton Williams  11  11 
Devonte Baker  
Totals...  94  157  68  25  344 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Jared Amundson   272  45.3 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Kevin DiDio-Weber  486  54.0 
FUMBLES: Sioux City Bandits-Joshua Hollins 3-1; Landon Freeman 1-1. Carolina Cobras-Adam Smith 2-1.


Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)
2024 NAL
Sioux City Bandits vs Carolina Cobras (Apr 28, 2024 at Greensboro, NC)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
SCB   1st  C11  14:48  Fumble  C00  09:28  TOUCHDOWN  7-11  5:20    
SCB   1st  S19  06:40  Kickoff  C10  00:33     Interception  7-21  6:07    
SCB   2nd  C18  12:57  Downs  C00  09:46  TOUCHDOWN  5-18  3:11    
SCB   2nd  S12  05:58  Kickoff  C00  04:02  TOUCHDOWN  2-38  1:56    
SCB   2nd  S08  00:40  Kickoff  C24  00:00     End of half  4-18  0:40    
SCB   3rd  S20  14:57  Kickoff  C00  11:47  TOUCHDOWN  5-30  3:10    
SCB   3rd  S17  07:45  Kickoff  C12  05:58     Fumble  3-21  1:47    
SCB   3rd  S14  01:06  Kickoff  S09  14:02     Interception  2--5  2:04    
SCB   4th  S20  09:55  Kickoff  S24  06:25     Downs  6-4  3:30    
SCB   4th  S15  03:22  Kickoff  S00  02:58     Fumble  1--15  0:24    
SCB   4th  S05  02:46  Kickoff  S25  00:00     End of half  5-20  2:46    
CAR   1st  S15  15:00  Kickoff  S12  14:48     Kickoff  0-3  0:12    
CAR   1st  C15  00:00  Kickoff  C12  14:48     Fumble  0--3  0:00    
CAR   1st  C17  08:50  Kickoff  S00  07:30  TOUCHDOWN  2-33  1:20    
CAR   1st  C09  00:33  Interception  C18  12:57     Downs  4-9  2:36    
CAR   2nd  C15  08:48  Kickoff  S00  06:59  TOUCHDOWN  3-35  1:49    
CAR   2nd  C13  03:00  Kickoff  S00  00:46  TOUCHDOWN  5-37  2:14    
CAR   3rd  C05  10:08  Kickoff  S00  08:53  TOUCHDOWN  2-45  1:15    
CAR   3rd  C12  05:58  Fumble  S00  01:55  TOUCHDOWN  6-38  4:03    
CAR   4th  C25  14:02  Interception  S00  10:45  TOUCHDOWN  5-25  3:17    
CAR   4th  S24  06:25  Downs  S00  03:46  TOUCHDOWN  4-24  2:39    
CAR   4th  S00  02:58  Fumble  S00  02:58  TOUCHDOWN  0-0  0:00    

   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Sioux City Bandits   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   12:05   07:47   07:42   07:38      19:52   15:20      35:12  
3rd Down Conversions   1/3   2/2   1/1   1/2      3/5   2/3      5/8  
Average field position  C21   S17   S17   S13      S22   S15      S18  
4th Down Conversions   1/2   0/0   0/0   0/1      1/2   0/1      1/3  
   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Carolina Cobras   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   02:55   07:13   07:18   07:22      10:08   14:40      24:48  
3rd Down Conversions   0/0   1/2   0/1   0/0      1/2   0/1      1/3  
Average field position  C20   C14   C08   C25      C17   C17      C17  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/1   1/1   0/0      0/1   1/1      1/2  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
CAR   1st  S15  15:00  Kickoff  S12  14:48     Kickoff  0-3  0:12    
CAR   1st  C15  00:00  Kickoff  C12  14:48     Fumble  0--3  0:00    
SCB   1st  C11  14:48  Fumble  C00  09:28  TOUCHDOWN  7-11  5:20    
CAR   1st  C17  08:50  Kickoff  S00  07:30  TOUCHDOWN  2-33  1:20    
SCB   1st  S19  06:40  Kickoff  C10  00:33     Interception  7-21  6:07    
CAR   1st  C09  00:33  Interception  C18  12:57     Downs  4-9  2:36    
SCB   2nd  C18  12:57  Downs  C00  09:46  TOUCHDOWN  5-18  3:11    
CAR   2nd  C15  08:48  Kickoff  S00  06:59  TOUCHDOWN  3-35  1:49    
SCB   2nd  S12  05:58  Kickoff  C00  04:02  TOUCHDOWN  2-38  1:56    
CAR   2nd  C13  03:00  Kickoff  S00  00:46  TOUCHDOWN  5-37  2:14    
SCB   2nd  S08  00:40  Kickoff  C24  00:00     End of half  4-18  0:40    
SCB   3rd  S20  14:57  Kickoff  C00  11:47  TOUCHDOWN  5-30  3:10    
CAR   3rd  C05  10:08  Kickoff  S00  08:53  TOUCHDOWN  2-45  1:15    
SCB   3rd  S17  07:45  Kickoff  C12  05:58     Fumble  3-21  1:47    
CAR   3rd  C12  05:58  Fumble  S00  01:55  TOUCHDOWN  6-38  4:03    
SCB   3rd  S14  01:06  Kickoff  S09  14:02     Interception  2--5  2:04    
CAR   4th  C25  14:02  Interception  S00  10:45  TOUCHDOWN  5-25  3:17    
SCB   4th  S20  09:55  Kickoff  S24  06:25     Downs  6-4  3:30    
CAR   4th  S24  06:25  Downs  S00  03:46  TOUCHDOWN  4-24  2:39    
SCB   4th  S15  03:22  Kickoff  S00  02:58     Fumble  1--15  0:24    
CAR   4th  S00  02:58  Fumble  S00  02:58  TOUCHDOWN  0-0  0:00    
SCB   4th  S05  02:46  Kickoff  S25  00:00     End of half  5-20  2:46    


Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)
2024 NAL
Sioux City Bandits vs Carolina Cobras (Apr 28, 2024 at Greensboro, NC)

##  Sioux City Bandits   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
19  Jovan Woods   .   .   .   .  
0   Justin Gilbert   .   .   .   .  
21  Antonio Pierce   .   .   .   .  
12  Asi Tupua   .   .   .   .  
28  Aaron Rountree   .   .   .   .  
6   Landon Freeman   .   .   .   .  
70  Sterling Clark   .   .   .   .  
4   Sammie Epps   .   .   .   .  
23  Sherman Gilbert  .   1-1   .   .  
1   Xavier Spann   .   .   .   .  
55  Omar Roberts   .   .   .   .  
2   Fred Bruno   .   .   .   .  
27  Jacari Christion  .   .   .   .  
##  Carolina Cobras   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
98  Zemar Anderson   4.5/23   .   .   2.0/17  
15  Gibson Ziah   1.5/13   1-0   1-0   1.0/12  
0   Brian Price   .   .   .   .  
21  Kevin Simmons   .   1-0   .   .  
2   Julius Gregory   .   .   .   .  
13  Caleb Lowery   .   .   .   .  
9   Donovan Rasberry  .   .   .   .  
1   Joe Powell   .   .   .   .  
19  Javon Hayes   .   .   1-25  .  


Participation Report

Participation Report (Final)
2024 NAL
Sioux City Bandits vs Carolina Cobras (Apr 28, 2024 at Greensboro, NC)

Sioux City Bandits  
Pos  ##  Offense 
QB   18  Joshua Hollins  
RB   20  Andrew Prohaska 
WR   2   Fred Bruno  
WR   14  Brandon Sheperd 
WR   4   Sammie Epps  
OL   55  Omar Roberts  
OL   70  Sterling Clark  
OL   96  Steven Fluker  
K   30  Jared Amundson  
Sioux City Bandits  
Pos  ##  Defense 
DL   12  Asi Tupua  
DL   11  Randall Blash  
DL   26  Groenhagen,Devi 
LB   28  Aaron Rountree  
DB   1   Xavier Spann  
DB   0   Justin Gilbert  
DB   21  Antonio Pierce  
DB   19  Jovan Woods  
Carolina Cobras  
Pos  ##  Offense 
QB   10  Guy Myers  
RB   11  James Summers  
WR   4   Adam Smith  
WR   9   D Rasberry  
WR   18  Milton Williams 
OL   55  CJ Cain  
OL   62  Herrington,Jayl 
OL   76  Fre'Shad Hunter 
K   6   Didio-Weber  
Carolina Cobras  
Pos  ##  Defense 
DL   13  Caleb Lowery  
DL   15  Gibson Ziah  
DL   98  Zemar Anderson  
DB   21  Kevin Simmons  
DB   19  Javon Hayes  
LB   2   Julius Gregory  
DB   1   Joe Powell  
DB   0   Brian Price  

Sioux City Bandits: 3-Damond Powell, 6-Landon Freeman, 23-Sherman Gilbert, 27-Christion,Jacar.

Carolina Cobras: 8-Charles Brooks, 83-Devonte Baker, 97-Zackary Reynoso.


Box Score

Box Score (Final)
Sioux City Bandits vs Carolina Cobras (Apr 28, 2024 at Greensboro, NC)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
Sioux City Bandits..  6 12  6  0  - 24       Record: (3-1)
Carolina Cobras.....  7 14 14 20  - 55       Record: (4-2)

Scoring Summary:
1st 09:28 SCB - Andrew Prohaska 1 yd run (Jared Amundson kick failed), 7-11 5:20, SCB 6 - CAR 0
    07:30 CAR - Adam Smith 27 yd pass from Guy Myers (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick), 2-33 1:20, SCB 6 - CAR 7
2nd 09:46 SCB - Joshua Hollins 1 yd run (Jared Amundson kick failed), 5-18 3:11, SCB 12 - CAR 7
    06:59 CAR - James Summers 22 yd pass from Guy Myers (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick), 3-35 1:49, SCB 12 - CAR 14
    04:02 SCB - Sammie Epps 21 yd pass from Joshua Hollins (Joshua Hollins pass failed), 2-38 1:56, SCB 18 - CAR 14
    00:46 CAR - James Summers 8 yd pass from Guy Myers (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick), 5-37 2:14, SCB 18 - CAR 21
3rd 11:47 SCB - Fred Bruno 9 yd run (Joshua Hollins rush failed), 5-30 3:10, SCB 24 - CAR 21
    08:53 CAR - Donovan Rasberry 42 yd pass from Guy Myers (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick), 2-45 1:15, SCB 24 - CAR 28
    01:55 CAR - James Summers 14 yd run (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick), 6-38 4:03, SCB 24 - CAR 35
4th 10:45 CAR - Guy Myers 2 yd run (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick failed), 5-25 3:17, SCB 24 - CAR 41
    03:46 CAR - James Summers 8 yd pass from Guy Myers (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick), 4-24 2:39, SCB 24 - CAR 48
    02:58 CAR - Gibson Ziah 0 yd fumble recovery (Kevin DiDio-Weber kick), , SCB 24 - CAR 55

                                    SCB      CAR
FIRST DOWNS...................       14       14
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............   30-164    14-94
PASSING YDS (NET).............      -13      157
Passes Att-Comp-Int...........   14-1-2  17-14-0
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   47-151   31-251
Fumble Returns-Yards..........      1-1      0-0
Kickoff Returns-Yards.........    7-125     6-68
Interception Returns-Yards....      0-0     2-25
Fumbles-Lost..................      4-2      2-1
Penalties-Yards...............     3-14     4-25
Possession Time...............    35:12    24:48
Third-Down Conversions........   5 of 8   1 of 3
Fourth-Down Conversions.......   1 of 3   1 of 2
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      3-4      3-3
Sacks By: Number-Yards........      0-0     3-29

RUSHING: Sioux City Bandits-Fred Bruno 6-67; Andrew Prohaska 13-64;
Landon Freeman 6-20; Brandon Sheperd 1-7; Joshua Hollins 4-6. Carolina
Cobras-Guy Myers 9-64; James Summers 4-27; Adam Smith 1-3.

PASSING: Sioux City Bandits-Joshua Hollins 1-13-1-21; Jared Amundson
0-1-1-0; Team 0-0-0-minus 34. Carolina Cobras-Guy Myers 14-17-0-157.

RECEIVING: Sioux City Bandits-Sammie Epps 1-21. Carolina Cobras-James
Summers 6-60; Milton Williams 3-11; Donovan Rasberry 2-48; Adam Smith 2-32;
Devonte Baker 1-6.

INTERCEPTIONS: Sioux City Bandits-None. Carolina Cobras-Javon Hayes 1-25;
Gibson Ziah 1-0.

FUMBLES: Sioux City Bandits-Joshua Hollins 3-1; Landon Freeman 1-1.
Carolina Cobras-Adam Smith 2-1.

Stadium: Greensboro Coliseum   Attendance: 0
Kickoff time: 2pm       End of Game: 4:34pm    Total elapsed time: 2:34

Sioux City back in action 5/11 at Omaha
Carolina back in action 5/12 at Oklahoma

Sioux City Bandits vs Carolina Cobras (Apr 28, 2024 at Greensboro, NC) SACKS (UA-A): Sioux City Bandits-None. Carolina Cobras-Zemar Anderson 2-0; Gibson Ziah 1-0. TACKLES (UA-A): Sioux City Bandits-Jovan Woods 8-0; Justin Gilbert 4-1; Antonio Pierce 4-0; Aaron Rountree 3-0; Asi Tupua 3-0; Sterling Clark 1-0; Landon Freeman 1-0; Sherman Gilbert 1-0; Sammie Epps 1-0; Xavier Spann 0-1; Fred Bruno 0-1; Omar Roberts 0-1. Carolina Cobras-Zemar Anderson 6-3; Gibson Ziah 7-1; Brian Price 6-2; Kevin Simmons 5-0; Julius Gregory 4-1; Caleb Lowery 3-1; Joe Powell 1-0; Donovan Rasberry 1-0. Game Starters: Sioux City Bandits POS ## OFFENSE QB 18 Joshua Hollins RB 20 Andrew Prohaska WR 2 Fred Bruno WR 14 Brandon Sheperd WR 4 Sammie Epps OL 55 Omar Roberts OL 70 Sterling Clark OL 96 Steven Fluker K 30 Jared Amundson POS ## DEFENSE DL 12 Asi Tupua DL 11 Randall Blash DL 26 Groenhagen,Devi LB 28 Aaron Rountree DB 1 Xavier Spann DB 0 Justin Gilbert DB 21 Antonio Pierce DB 19 Jovan Woods Carolina Cobras POS ## OFFENSE QB 10 Guy Myers RB 11 James Summers WR 4 Adam Smith WR 9 D Rasberry WR 18 Milton Williams OL 55 CJ Cain OL 62 Herrington,Jayl OL 76 Fre'Shad Hunter K 6 Didio-Weber POS ## DEFENSE DL 13 Caleb Lowery DL 15 Gibson Ziah DL 98 Zemar Anderson DB 21 Kevin Simmons DB 19 Javon Hayes LB 2 Julius Gregory DB 1 Joe Powell DB 0 Brian Price Player participation: Sioux City Bandits: 3-Damond Powell, 6-Landon Freeman, 23-Sherman Gilbert, 27-Christion,Jacar. Carolina Cobras: 8-Charles Brooks, 83-Devonte Baker, 97-Zackary Reynoso.


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
2024 NAL
Sioux City Bandits vs Carolina Cobras (Apr 28, 2024 at Greensboro, NC)

1st Quarter

SC call tails, wins toss defers. Carolina will get ball
Jared Amundson kickoff -4 yards to the SCB-4, Adam Smith return -19 yards to the SCB15, fumble forced by Christion,Jacar, fumble by Adam Smith recovered by CAR 23 at SCB12 (Justin Gilbert).
Car 1-10at Scb12SCB ball on SCB0.
Jared Amundson kickoff 54 yards to the CAR-4, Adam Smith return 19 yards to the CAR15, fumble forced by Christion,Jacar, fumble by Adam Smith recovered by SCB Sherman Gilbert at CAR12, Sherman Gilbert for 1 yard to the CAR11 (Brian Price).
Scb 1-10at Car11SIOUX CITY BANDITS drive start at 14:48, SCB ball on CAR11.
Scb 1-10at Car11Andrew Prohaska rush for 5 yards to the CAR6 (Julius Gregory).
Scb 2-5at Car06Joshua Hollins rush for 4 yards to the CAR2 (Caleb Lowery).
Scb 3-1at Car02Andrew Prohaska rush for 1 yard to the CAR1, 1ST DOWN SCB (Kevin Simmons).
Scb 1-Gat Car01PENALTY SCB false start (Sterling Clark) 5 yards to the CAR6.
Scb 1-Gat Car06Timeout Sioux City Bandits, clock 11:48.
Scb 1-Gat Car06Joshua Hollins pass incomplete to Fred Bruno (Brian Price).
Scb 2-Gat Car06Joshua Hollins pass incomplete to Brandon Sheperd.
Scb 3-Gat Car06Joshua Hollins rush for 5 yards to the CAR1 (Gibson Ziah).
Scb 4-Gat Car01Andrew Prohaska rush for 1 yard to the CAR0, 1ST DOWN SCB, TOUCHDOWN, clock 09:28.
Scb 1-Gat Car03PENALTY CAR illegal defense declined.
Jared Amundson kick attempt failed.
Sioux City Bandits 6, Carolina Cobras 0
Drive: 7 plays, 11 yards, TOP 05:58
Jared Amundson kickoff 56 yards to the CAR-6, Adam Smith return 23 yards to the CAR17 (Sammie Epps).
Car 1-10at Car17CAROLINA COBRAS drive start at 08:50.
Car 1-10at Car17Guy Myers pass complete to D Rasberry for 6 yards to the CAR23 (Justin Gilbert).
Car 2-4at Car23Guy Myers pass complete to Adam Smith for 27 yards to the SCB0, 1ST DOWN CAR, TOUCHDOWN, clock 07:30.
Didio-Weber kick attempt good.
Carolina Cobras 7, Sioux City Bandits 6
Drive: 2 plays, 33 yards, TOP 02:10
Didio-Weber kickoff 55 yards to the SCB-5, Fred Bruno return 24 yards to the SCB19 (D Rasberry).
Scb 1-10at Scb19SIOUX CITY BANDITS drive start at 06:40.
Scb 1-10at Scb19Andrew Prohaska rush for 10 yards to the CAR21, 1ST DOWN SCB (Zemar Anderson).
Scb 1-10at Car21Andrew Prohaska rush for 8 yards to the CAR13 (Caleb Lowery).
Scb 2-2at Car13Fred Bruno rush for 10 yards to the CAR3, 1ST DOWN SCB (Brian Price).
Scb 1-Gat Car03Joshua Hollins pass incomplete to Brandon Sheperd.
Scb 2-Gat Car03Joshua Hollins sacked for loss of 12 yards to the CAR15 (Gibson Ziah).
Scb 3-Gat Car15PENALTY CAR offside (Zackary Reynoso) 5 yards to the CAR10.
Scb 3-Gat Car10Joshua Hollins pass incomplete to Andrew Prohaska.
Scb 4-Gat Car10Jared Amundson pass intercepted by Gibson Ziah at the CAR9, Gibson Ziah return 0 yards to the CAR9 (Sterling Clark).
Drive: 7 plays, 21 yards, TOP 06:07
Car 1-10at Car09CAROLINA COBRAS drive start at 00:33.
Car 1-10at Car09Guy Myers rush for 2 yards to the CAR11 (Asi Tupua).
Drive: 1 plays, 2 yards, TOP 02:36
Carolina Cobras 7, Sioux City Bandits 6
2nd Quarter

Car 2-8at Car11Start of 2nd quarter, clock 15:00.
Car 2-8at Car11Guy Myers pass incomplete to James Summers.
Car 3-8at Car11Guy Myers pass incomplete to Adam Smith.
Car 4-8at Car11Timeout Carolina Cobras, clock 13:45.
Car 4-8at Car11Guy Myers rush for 7 yards to the CAR18 (Jovan Woods).
Drive: 4 plays, 9 yards, TOP 02:36
Scb 1-10at Car18Clock 12:57.
Scb 1-10at Car18SIOUX CITY BANDITS drive start at 12:57.
Scb 1-10at Car18Andrew Prohaska rush for 6 yards to the CAR12 (Julius Gregory;Zemar Anderson).
Scb 2-4at Car12Andrew Prohaska rush for 3 yards to the CAR9 (Caleb Lowery).
Scb 3-1at Car09Andrew Prohaska rush for 7 yards to the CAR2, 1ST DOWN SCB (Gibson Ziah).
Scb 1-Gat Car02Andrew Prohaska rush for 1 yard to the CAR1 (Caleb Lowery;Brian Price).
Scb 2-Gat Car01PENALTY CAR offside (Zackary Reynoso) 0 yards to the CAR1.
Scb 2-Gat Car01Joshua Hollins rush for no gain to the CAR1, fumble by Joshua Hollins recovered by SCB Joshua Hollins at CAR1, Joshua Hollins for 1 yard to the CAR0, 1ST DOWN SCB, TOUCHDOWN, clock 09:46.
Jared Amundson kick attempt failed.
Sioux City Bandits 12, Carolina Cobras 7
Drive: 5 plays, 18 yards, TOP 04:09
Jared Amundson kickoff 57 yards to the CAR-7, Adam Smith return 22 yards to the CAR15 (Antonio Pierce).
Car 1-10at Car15CAROLINA COBRAS drive start at 08:48.
Car 1-10at Car15James Summers rush for 3 yards to the CAR18 (Jovan Woods).
Car 2-7at Car18Guy Myers rush for 10 yards to the SCB22, 1ST DOWN CAR (Jovan Woods).
Car 1-10at Scb22Guy Myers pass complete to James Summers for 22 yards to the SCB0, 1ST DOWN CAR, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:59.
Didio-Weber kick attempt good.
Carolina Cobras 14, Sioux City Bandits 12
Drive: 3 plays, 35 yards, TOP 02:50
Didio-Weber kickoff 55 yards to the SCB-5, Fred Bruno return 17 yards to the SCB12 (Zemar Anderson).
Scb 1-10at Scb12SIOUX CITY BANDITS drive start at 05:58.
Scb 1-10at Scb12Joshua Hollins pass intercepted by Joe Powell at the CAR0, Joe Powell return to the SCB0, clock 05:13, PENALTY CAR pass interference (Kevin Simmons) 15 yards to the CAR23, 1ST DOWN SCB, NO PLAY.
Scb 1-10at Car23Andrew Prohaska rush for 2 yards to the CAR21 (Gibson Ziah).
Scb 2-8at Car21Joshua Hollins pass complete to Sammie Epps for 21 yards to the CAR0, 1ST DOWN SCB, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:02.
Joshua Hollins pass attempt failed.
Sioux City Bandits 18, Carolina Cobras 14
Drive: 2 plays, 38 yards, TOP 02:58
Jared Amundson kickoff 52 yards to the CAR-2, Adam Smith return 15 yards to the CAR13 (Antonio Pierce).
Car 1-10at Car13CAROLINA COBRAS drive start at 03:00.
Car 1-10at Car13Guy Myers pass complete to Adam Smith for 5 yards to the CAR18 (Jovan Woods).
Car 2-5at Car18Adam Smith rush for 3 yards to the CAR21 (Aaron Rountree).
Car 3-2at Car21Guy Myers rush for 8 yards to the SCB21, 1ST DOWN CAR (Aaron Rountree).
Car 1-10at Scb21Clock 01:00.
Car 1-10at Scb21Guy Myers rush for 13 yards to the SCB8, 1ST DOWN CAR (Aaron Rountree).
Car 1-Gat Scb08Guy Myers pass complete to James Summers for 8 yards to the SCB0, 1ST DOWN CAR, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:46.
Didio-Weber kick attempt good.
Carolina Cobras 21, Sioux City Bandits 18
Drive: 5 plays, 37 yards, TOP 02:20
Didio-Weber kickoff 55 yards to the SCB-5, Fred Bruno return 13 yards to the SCB8 (Julius Gregory).
Scb 1-10at Scb08SIOUX CITY BANDITS drive start at 00:40.
Scb 1-10at Scb08Andrew Prohaska rush for no gain to the SCB8 (Gibson Ziah).
Scb 2-10at Scb08Joshua Hollins pass incomplete.
Scb 3-10at Scb08Clock 00:10.
Scb 3-10at Scb08Fred Bruno rush for 18 yards to the CAR24, 1ST DOWN SCB (Kevin Simmons).
Scb 1-10at Car24Timeout Sioux City Bandits, clock 00:04.
Scb 1-10at Car24Timeout Carolina Cobras, clock 00:04.
Scb 1-10at Car24Joshua Hollins pass incomplete to Brandon Sheperd (Julius Gregory).
Scb 2-10at Car24End of half, clock 00:00.
Drive: 4 plays, 18 yards, TOP 00:40
Carolina Cobras 21, Sioux City Bandits 18
3rd Quarter

Scb 2-10at Car24Start of 3rd quarter, clock 15:00, CAR ball on CAR0.
Drive: 4 plays, 18 yards, TOP 00:40
Didio-Weber kickoff 50 yards to the SCB0, out-of-bounds, SCB ball on SCB20.
Scb 1-10at Scb20SIOUX CITY BANDITS drive start at 14:57.
Scb 1-10at Scb20Fred Bruno rush for 9 yards to the CAR21 (Gibson Ziah).
Scb 2-1at Car21Brandon Sheperd rush for 7 yards to the CAR14, 1ST DOWN SCB (Joe Powell).
Scb 1-10at Car14Andrew Prohaska rush for 9 yards to the CAR5 (Brian Price).
Scb 2-1at Car05Joshua Hollins rush for loss of 3 yards to the CAR8, fumble by Joshua Hollins recovered by SCB Joshua Hollins at CAR9 (Zemar Anderson).
Scb 3-5at Car09Fred Bruno rush for 9 yards to the CAR0, 1ST DOWN SCB, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:47.
Scb 1-Gat Car03PENALTY SCB false start (Omar Roberts) 4 yards to the CAR7.
Joshua Hollins rush attempt failed.
Sioux City Bandits 24, Carolina Cobras 21
Drive: 5 plays, 30 yards, TOP 04:49
Jared Amundson kickoff 57 yards to the CAR-7, Adam Smith return 8 yards to the CAR1 (Sherman Gilbert).
Car 1-10at Car01CAROLINA COBRAS drive start at 10:08.
Car 1-10at Car01CAR ball on CAR5.
Car 1-10at Car05Guy Myers pass complete to Milton Williams for 3 yards to the CAR8 (Antonio Pierce).
Car 2-7at Car08Guy Myers pass complete to D Rasberry for 42 yards to the SCB0, 1ST DOWN CAR, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:53.
Didio-Weber kick attempt good.
Carolina Cobras 28, Sioux City Bandits 24
Drive: 2 plays, 45 yards, TOP 02:23
Didio-Weber kickoff 57 yards to the SCB-7, Fred Bruno return 24 yards to the SCB17 (Kevin Simmons).
Scb 1-10at Scb17SIOUX CITY BANDITS drive start at 07:45.
Scb 1-10at Scb17Landon Freeman rush for 4 yards to the SCB21 (Julius Gregory).
Scb 2-6at Scb21Landon Freeman rush for 11 yards to the CAR18, 1ST DOWN SCB (Brian Price).
Scb 1-10at Car18Landon Freeman rush for 6 yards to the CAR12, fumble forced by Javon Hayes, fumble by Landon Freeman recovered by CAR Kevin Simmons at CAR12 (Landon Freeman).
Drive: 3 plays, 21 yards, TOP 01:47
Car 1-10at Car12CAROLINA COBRAS drive start at 05:58.
Car 1-10at Car12Guy Myers pass complete to James Summers for 2 yards to the CAR14 (Jovan Woods).
Car 2-8at Car14Guy Myers pass complete to Milton Williams for 2 yards to the CAR16 (Justin Gilbert).
Car 3-6at Car16Guy Myers pass incomplete to Adam Smith.
Car 4-6at Car16Guy Myers pass complete to James Summers for 11 yards to the SCB23, 1ST DOWN CAR (Jovan Woods).
Car 1-10at Scb23James Summers rush for 9 yards to the SCB14 (Asi Tupua).
Car 2-1at Scb14James Summers rush for 14 yards to the SCB0, 1ST DOWN CAR, TOUCHDOWN, clock 01:55.
Didio-Weber kick attempt good.
Carolina Cobras 35, Sioux City Bandits 24
Drive: 6 plays, 38 yards, TOP 04:52
Didio-Weber kickoff 55 yards to the SCB-5, Landon Freeman return 19 yards to the SCB14 (Kevin Simmons).
Scb 1-10at Scb14SIOUX CITY BANDITS drive start at 01:06.
Scb 1-10at Scb14Joshua Hollins pass incomplete to Damond Powell.
Drive: 1 plays, 0 yards, TOP 02:04
Carolina Cobras 35, Sioux City Bandits 24
4th Quarter

Scb 2-10at Scb14Start of 4th quarter, clock 15:00.
Scb 2-10at Scb14PENALTY SCB offside (Brandon Sheperd) 5 yards to the SCB9.
Scb 2-15at Scb09Timeout Sioux City Bandits, clock 14:37.
Scb 2-15at Scb09Joshua Hollins pass intercepted by Javon Hayes at the CAR0, Javon Hayes return 25 yards to the 25 yardline (Omar Roberts;Fred Bruno).
Drive: 2 plays, minus 5 yards, TOP 02:04
Car 1-10at Car25CAROLINA COBRAS drive start at 14:02.
Car 1-10at Car25Guy Myers rush for 12 yards to the SCB13, 1ST DOWN CAR.
Car 1-10at Scb13Guy Myers rush for 4 yards to the SCB9 (Jovan Woods).
Car 2-6at Scb09Guy Myers pass complete to Milton Williams for 6 yards to the SCB3, 1ST DOWN CAR (Xavier Spann;Justin Gilbert).
Car 1-Gat Scb03Guy Myers rush for 3 yards to the SCB0, clock 11:41, PENALTY CAR illegal formation 5 yards to the SCB8, NO PLAY.
Car 1-Gat Scb08Guy Myers rush for 6 yards to the SCB2 (Jovan Woods).
Car 2-Gat Scb02Guy Myers rush for 2 yards to the SCB0, 1ST DOWN CAR, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:45.
Didio-Weber kick attempt failed.
Carolina Cobras 41, Sioux City Bandits 24
Drive: 5 plays, 25 yards, TOP 04:07
Didio-Weber kickoff 48 yards to the SCB2, out-of-bounds, SCB ball on SCB20.
Scb 1-10at Scb20SIOUX CITY BANDITS drive start at 09:55.
Scb 1-10at Scb20Joshua Hollins pass incomplete to Andrew Prohaska.
Scb 2-10at Scb20Andrew Prohaska rush for 11 yards to the CAR19, 1ST DOWN SCB (Julius Gregory).
Scb 1-10at Car19Joshua Hollins pass incomplete to Damond Powell (Kevin Simmons).
Scb 2-10at Car19Joshua Hollins pass incomplete to Sammie Epps, dropped pass.
Scb 3-10at Car19Joshua Hollins sacked for loss of 7 yards to the SCB24 (Zemar Anderson).
Scb 4-17at Scb24Joshua Hollins pass incomplete to Sammie Epps.
Drive: 6 plays, 4 yards, TOP 03:30
Car 1-10at Scb24CAROLINA COBRAS drive start at 06:25.
Car 1-10at Scb24Guy Myers pass complete to Devonte Baker for 6 yards to the SCB18 (Justin Gilbert).
Car 2-4at Scb18Guy Myers pass complete to James Summers for 9 yards to the SCB9, 1ST DOWN CAR (Antonio Pierce).
Car 1-Gat Scb09James Summers rush for 1 yard to the SCB8 (Asi Tupua).
Car 2-Gat Scb08Guy Myers pass complete to James Summers for 8 yards to the SCB0, 1ST DOWN CAR, TOUCHDOWN, clock 03:46.
Didio-Weber kick attempt good.
Carolina Cobras 48, Sioux City Bandits 24
Drive: 4 plays, 24 yards, TOP 03:03
Didio-Weber kickoff 55 yards to the SCB-5, Landon Freeman return 20 yards to the SCB15 (Zemar Anderson;Brian Price).
Scb 1-10at Scb15SIOUX CITY BANDITS drive start at 03:22.
Scb 1-10at Scb15Joshua Hollins sacked for loss of 10 yards to the SCB5 (Zemar Anderson), fumble recovered by CAR Gibson Ziah at SCB0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:58.
Drive: 1 plays, minus 15 yards, TOP 00:24
Didio-Weber kick attempt good.
Carolina Cobras 55, Sioux City Bandits 24
Didio-Weber kickoff 56 yards to the SCB-6, Fred Bruno return 8 yards to the SCB2 (Brian Price).
Scb 1-10at Scb02SIOUX CITY BANDITS drive start at 02:46.
Scb 1-10at Scb02SCB ball on SCB5.
Scb 1-10at Scb05Landon Freeman rush for loss of 2 yards to the SCB3 (Gibson Ziah;Zemar Anderson).
Scb 2-12at Scb03Landon Freeman rush for loss of 1 yard to the SCB2 (Zemar Anderson).
Scb 3-13at Scb02Clock 01:00.
Scb 3-13at Scb02Fred Bruno rush for 16 yards to the SCB18, 1ST DOWN SCB (Kevin Simmons).
Scb 1-10at Scb18Fred Bruno rush for 5 yards to the SCB23 (Gibson Ziah).
Scb 2-5at Scb23PENALTY SCB unsportsmanlike conduct off-setting, PENALTY CAR unsportsmanlike conduct off-setting, NO PLAY.
Scb 2-5at Scb23Landon Freeman rush for 2 yards to the 25 yardline (Brian Price).
Scb 3-3at Scb25End of half, clock 00:00.
Drive: 5 plays, 20 yards, TOP 02:46
Carolina Cobras 55, Sioux City Bandits 24